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Summer is a great time to be in Toronto. Sunny patios, lazy days in the park, and outdoor festivals all make this the perfect city season but landlords can’t relax just yet. There’s still work to be done in prepping your property for the warmer months so your tenants can enjoy their space without worrying about overheating, pests, or other summer stresses.

A summer checklist for Toronto landlords


Do a post-winter audit

Winter is hard on homes. Blizzards, strong winds, and ice can all play havoc with external fixtures and fittings so one of the first items on your to-do list should be taking inventory. 

Clear any winter related debris from common areas, check external lights and doors, touch up any faded areas with a fresh coat of paint, and look for any loose siding. Your audit won’t just catch any damage before it becomes an expensive fix, it’ll also give you and your tenants peace of mind until winter rolls around again.


Check your A/C

The Residential Tenancies Act provides for heat during the winter months but it’s not as explicit on what happens when the summer heat strikes. There’s currently no legal requirement to have an A/C in your unit, but bear in mind that the Ontario Human Rights Commission recently declared air conditioning to be a human right, and called on the provincial government to force landlords to provide it. 

Even if it doesn’t make it into law, if you want to enjoy good relationships with your tenants it’s not a great idea to let them sweat it out so if you don’t have an A/C you might want to think about getting one. And if you do have a unit, now’s the time to give it a look over to make sure it’s in good working order before Toronto bakes in the next 30 degree heatwave.


Clear outdoor areas

When the sun comes out, Torontonians head outdoors. Landlords are responsible for cleaning and maintaining all shared yards and outdoor spaces so make sure you’ve done a post-winter clean before your tenants get their BBQs out. Look out for any hidden hazards such as uneven paving or rotted decking and get it repaired as soon as possible to avoid mishaps.


Evict any animal tenants

Non-human city dwellers love the summer too. The raccoon mating season runs through til June so it’s not uncommon to find yourself with some tiny home invaders. Landlords can protect their property from these destructive tenants by putting screens on roof vents and securing other areas that they love to nest in such as window wells, sheds, and under decks.

Other critters to watch for as the weather heats up include cockroaches, bed bugs, and rats. Pests and vermin like these aren’t just a nuisance, they’re a major health hazard for your tenants so if you get a complaint it’s important to act immediately. And, of course, it’s even better to be proactive. Ask your tenant to be vigilant so any infestations are caught early and make sure all areas are kept clean.

Stress-free summer property maintenance


As with all property maintenance, making sure everything’s ship-shape for summer is a big job. This year, why not skip the hassle and hire a property management company to look after your unit so you can relax and enjoy your passive income stress-free.

Highgate Property Management helps landlords across the GTA manage their properties so they, and their tenants, can be confident that all issues are addressed and resolved promptly. Our services include property upgrades, maintenance, and even emergency repairs. After over three decades in the business, there’s nothing we don’t know about running a successful rental. Reach out to our team today so you can stop stressing about your property and start planning your summer!


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